Get ready, bestie! We're diving deep into the crazy complicated and equally beautiful world of our very own founder, Bri Alli. This issue is all about raw truths, epic comebacks, and unapologetic ambition. Let's get into it!
ABOUT this issue
But before we really dive into this deeply personal and incredibly special to me first issue, let's talk about the actual magazine for a sec.
Okay, so real talk and being my own unapologetic hype girl right now: I am no stranger to curating, designing, writing, collaborating and photographing for a magazine. In fact, I used to own a very successful one... and did all of it completely solo (no team, no assistant, just little ole me).
When COVID forced me to shut it down (like, literally, covid killed a very lucrative verbal offer with a very sharp wooden stake to my heart), I was heartbroken and felt unable to move forward. It was beyond devastating at the time.
But now I realize that closing the door on Stylish Milk Magazine was always part of my divine plan. Here I am, exactly five years later, and BBA HAUS Magazine is FIRE—it's absolutely everything I've ever wanted in a dream publication.
I'm so intensely excited about the endless possibilities this new magazine will bring. But what am I MOST excited about is being able to connect directly with YOU on a more personal level. Chelsea and I will be popping into your inbox with every new issue and we don't take that honor lightly.
Speaking of virtual inboxes, BBA HAUS Magazine is ONLY available via email. When a new issue is released, you'll receive a private link to access the full issue on our website. So, hurry up and subscribe officially, if a girlfriend sent you this issue.
I'm hoping this magazine and the articles inside is unlike anything else you currently receive in your inbox—something you wholeheartedly look forward to opening, browsing, and devouring, each and every month.
My business partner and bestie Chelsea and I have BIG plans for BBA HAUS and cannot wait to go on this wild adventure with you!
Thanks for reading. I appreciate you.
xo. Bri Alli